Download Advanced PHP Programming Book in 2024 for free.
In Download Advanced PHP Programming Book in 2021, You will learn many things about the advanced PHP and Its methods with real-life examples. In Real Corporate life, there are lots of things you will not found in PHP tutorials on W3School or any other tutorial website but this book will teach you the best methods and techniques of Advanced PHP.
Related: Check our PHP training Tutorials.
Over the past three years, PHP has evolved from being a niche language used to add dynamic functionality to small sites to a powerful tool making strong inroads into large-scale, business-critical Web systems.
The rapid maturation of PHP has created a skeptical population of users from more traditional “enterprise” languages who question the readiness and ability of PHP to scale, as well as a large population of PHP developers without formal computer science backgrounds who have learned through hands-on experimentation while developing small and midsize applications in PHP.
While there are many books on learning PHP and developing small applications with it, there is a serious lack of information on “scaling” PHP for large-scale, business-critical systems. Schlossnagle Advanced PHP Programming fills that void, demonstrating that PHP is ready for enterprise Web applications by showing the reader how to develop PHP-based applications for maximum performance, stability, and extensibility.
Also, read: the best programming language to start in India.

Contents at a Glance: “PHP Programming Book”
– Introduction of Book
I. Implementation and Development Methodologies
- Coding Styles
- Object-Oriented Programming Through Design Patterns
- Error Handling
- Implementing with PHP: Templates and the Web
- Implementing with PHP: Standalone Scripts
- Unit Testing
- Managing the Development Environment
- Designing a Good API
II. Caching
- External Performance Tunings
- Data Component Caching
- Computational Reuse
III. Distributed Applications
- Interacting with Databases
- User Authentication and Session Security
- Session Handling
- Building a Distributed Environment
- RPC: Interacting with Remote Services
IV. Performance
- Application Benchmarks: Testing an Entire Application
- Profiling
- Synthetic Benchmarks: Evaluating Code Blocks and Functions
V. Extensibility
- PHP and Zend Engine Internals
- Extending PHP: Part I
- Extending PHP: Part II
- Writing SAPIs and Extending the Zend Engine Index
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