Best PHP Tutorials

Best PHP Tutorials in India - LearnPHPonline: we provide free PHP tutorials for beginners step by step.Especially makes your skills excellent. at you can improve your coding skills with real-life work examples. Php is a basic development language which works on Web Applications. for example E-commerce portal, blogging websites, or any other programming running on the web( internet).
Difference between include() and require() function in PHP 7
Difference between include() and require() function in PHP 7

Basically, Difference between include() and require() function in PHP 7 is only one has the fatal error and another one has warning error. but the more basic difference is given below: <?php // include(“worker.php”); ?>   <?php require(“worker.php”); ?>   First up, neitherinclude requirefunctions, they are constructs. It is therefore not necessary to call them using…


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