Make Money without any investment in India via Freelancing – 2024

Make Money without any investment

Make money without any investment in India via freelancing in 2024: Is it an easy task for you. I think it’s not an easy task to make money online in any case but it’s not impossible. I have a solution for you, I can tell you how you can make money in freelancing without any money to invest. Freelancing is a very popular way to work online from anywhere and at any time. I know you have questions about freelancing but I have listed a few of them below.


what is Freelancing?

A Basic Definition. Essentially, a freelance job is one where a person works for themselves, rather than for a company. While freelancers do take on contract work for companies and organizations, they are ultimately self-employed.  Read the full article on Flexjobs.

Make Money without any investment in India via Freelancing
Make Money without any investment in India via Freelancing

How do I start freelancing in a very easy 9 steps?

  1. Define your goals for freelancing.
  2. Choose which skills you’ll start freelancing with.
  3. Define your target clients.
  4. Package your skills into a service offering.
  5. Legally incorporate your business before you start freelancing.
  6. Create a portfolio to showcase your skills.
  7.  Select your payment method.
  8. start selling your skill online without any investment
  9. Be aware of frauds.

Define your goals for freelancing.

In freelancing, you have to define your goals and timeframe. Goals mean what you want from freelancing and how much you want to make from freelancing. Without a destination, it’s hard to know what direction to move. Goals provide that destination for starting your freelancing business.

Goals for Freelancing will be like this:

  1. To create some income part-time.
  2. Replace full-time income or 2nd sources of income.
  3. How much do you want to increase your income?

Start Freelancing as a Part-time job

At the starting of your freelance career, I personally suggest you go with part-time jobs because sometimes you will face no regular income or work in the beginning. So, in the beginning, you need some regular income other than freelancing.


Choose which skills you’ll start freelancing with.

In Freelancing, you have to pick your skill and start creating a portfolio on that to show your clients. Skill is the most important thing in freelancing because this is what we are selling.

As I am a Software Developer and it’s my skill to developing website and software. So, I selected software development for my freelancing career in 2016. Now I have 5 years of experience in freelancing on,,,,

become a software developer
Become a software developer

Start freelancing with skills from previous jobs

It’ll be easiest to start with all of the skills that you’ve already been paid to leverage. It doesn’t matter if the job was full-time or part-time, as long as you were being paid.

If an employer was willing to pay you to do that work, chances are that you’re pretty good at it! That’s a skill you can likely leverage to start a freelance business. Think about your last several jobs: what were you being paid to do for those companies? Don’t hold back – it may be customer service, graphic design, photography, or financial modeling.

If those roles required creativity or the use of specific software, it’s even more likely that someone would be willing to pay YOU rather than take the time to learn that skill themselves. Some common software examples would be Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Sketch, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, and so on.

Define your target clients in Freelancing.

Targeting the right client at right time is very necessary. if you will bid on the wrong job you will never get success in that. So make up your mind on what kind of jobs you can do easily and complete them on time. especially in beginning, job timing and success rate are very important for your feedback and ratings.

Identifying your target market isn’t just about picking what type of person you want to work with. It’s also about determining who is most likely to buy from you. Look deep into your target market to effectively figure out your path as a freelancer.

Pricing Pro Tips

You can compare market rates for services by looking at other freelance businesses on Upwork and the rates they charge. One of the best pieces of pricing advice I’ve ever received is to “think of the number that makes you a little uncomfortable to ask for, and then raise that by 40%.”

Pull it all together with your client formula

To really put a bow on your service package, wrap all your decisions into what I call your client formula. Your client formula is the core of your freelance business, and it looks like this:

I help [person x] solve [problem y] for [price z]

In this formula:

  • Your target client is [person x]
  • Your service solves [problem y] for that person
  • And you’re selling it for [price z]

I know it’s weird to mix math and creativity, but hear me out. Let’s take our marketer example. Their formula may look like this:

I help content creators grow their social presence for $2,000 per month.

In the past, I built WordPress websites for entrepreneurs. My client formula was:

I help entrepreneurs bring their business online for $5,000

There’s a bonus to this: by creating this formula, you also create the perfect Elevator Speech for your freelance business with the phrase “I help [person x] solve [problem y].” Your Elevator Speech is a short, memorable way for you to answer the question, “What do you do?”

“I help content creators grow their social media presence”

“I help entrepreneurs bring their business online”

And when you add the price, you have a full set of assumptions to go out and test for your freelance business. It’s just like testing a hypothesis in science class.

You need to:

  1. Talk to people who fit the client avatar of [person x]
  2. Try to sell them your service as [solution y]
  3. Price the package at or above [price z]


Assume you’re a videographer and you think that [independent Realtors] would pay [$500] for [a video about themselves]. Your client formula seems like this:

I help independent Realtors showcase their personality to clients for $500

But what happens if you can’t seem to sell any independent Realtors on a video for $500? When you’re not getting playing gigs or purchases, it’s easy to think that your experiment, as an entire, maybe a failure. But you would like to recollect that there are THREE variables here.

So if you aren’t getting independent Realtors to pay $500 for a video about themselves, all we actually know is that one a part of the experiment is off. It might be that a team of Realtors would pay that price for that service. or even independent Realtors would like to invest during a video, but they wouldn’t pay quite $400. and perhaps you shouldn’t be targeting Realtors in the least – maybe accounting firms would pay $800! you’ll experiment with all of these variables. But the primary step is defining your formula.


Create a portfolio to showcase your skills

Every client, whether they realize it or not, hires you because they trust you. They trust you to do what you say you’re going to do, and deliver on the quality of work you say you’re going to provide.

Why you need a portfolio to start freelancing

Sometimes a client project comes easily – they may be family or a friend. But most of the time, that client will need a reason to trust you. So you need to BUILD that trust. The best way to build trust with a new client when you start a freelance business is by showing examples of past work that are similar to the work they are considering hiring you for. Who would YOU rather hire: a graphic designer who can show you 10 logos she’s made for clients or a graphic designer who can’t show you a single one? The answer is obvious – we want evidence to show us why we can trust this person. Plan to have work samples available to share with new clients from the beginning so they have reason to believe you can do the work.


Develop a strategy for finding clients

Congratulations, your ducks are officially in a row! At this point, you’ve set a strong foundation to start freelancing. Now, we need to talk about getting your first clients. There are three major strategies to consider for finding new clients when you start freelancing:

  1. Working with clients directly
  2. Working as a subcontractor
  3. Leveraging freelance jobs websites

Let’s talk about each of them.

Working with clients directly

Working directly with clients is that the purest sort of freelancing – someone features a problem, they pay you to unravel it, and there are not any people or platforms involved besides the 2 of you. There are two major benefits to working directly with clients. the primary benefit is keeping every penny of the transaction. You and therefore the client agree on the worth, the client pays you, and every one of it goes into your pocket. There are not any fees to a platform for matching you, and there are not any fees to someone for referring the work to you.

The second benefit is owning the connection. once you work with clients directly, they know exactly who is doing the work, you learn tons about them and their needs through communication, and ultimately you create a robust relationship with them. tons of freelancers have clients they work with several times or continuously over an extended period of your time. These relationships are really valuable because the client already knows, likes, and trusts you – so it’s easy to travel from conversation to paying project. And these relationships are most easily formed by working with clients directly.

Beware of Freelancing Frauds on Upwork & Freelancer. Fake Clients, Scams and Cheat Alerts – 2024.

As I am experienced in freelancing I know there are lots of frauds there so, it’s my duty to aware of these freelancing frauds. It’s rare to come across fraud or scams on Freelancing portals as a client but it’s still important to know how to read the warning signs and red flags before they’re successful. By being proactive in your response to the following warning signs, you can avoid some of the most common freelancer scam traps.

Freelancing is definitely not a scam. Most people will get paid if you win bids and complete projects. However, you might want to tread carefully while dealing with certain clients. The dispute resolution center is there for a reason because apparently there are a lot of disputes to resolve.


Summary for make money without investment via freelancing

Freelancing is that the strongest and safe method to earn money without investment. So, congratulations my friend, you’re able to start freelancing. We just covered tons of ground, but it had been all about creating a robust foundation for your freelance business.

You should have some clarity around the skills you’re getting to leverage as a freelancer. you ought to skills you’re getting to package them as a service and sell them as an answer to your target clients. If you haven’t already, choose a reputation for your freelance business and file for your LLC.

Start building your portfolio to point out your potential clients. Whether you propose to figure with clients directly, subcontract, or run through freelance jobs websites, you’ll get to boost your skills. You’ll get to spend tons of your time building and rebuilding relationships together with your advocates. Reach bent the – line up some conversations to seek out out what they’re up to and allow them to know that you’re starting to freelance. Use that Elevator Speech whenever anyone asks what you’re up to. And once you’ve connected together with your advocates, it’s time to make new advocates. Outreach can feel scary and difficult but remember it’s not about selling a project – it’s about selling a conversation.

Have fun, make some friends, and you’ll be creating new clients in no time.

Also Read, Best Freelancing Languages for you.


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